Well-Managed Schools offers a structured approach to school-wide behavior management, giving you effective strategies for empowering students with social and self-management skills while building positive relationships. With new information on the importance of social and emotional learning in the classroom and using multi-tiered support systems to address disruptive behavior, this manual is now an even more valuable tool in helping you improve and enhance your school's social and learning climate and build a true school "community."
The authors describe the Boys Town Education Model®, a school-based intervention strategy that emphasizes behavior-management practices, relationship-building techniques, and social skills instruction. They also provide step-by-step instructions and examples for proven teaching interactions that encourage positive behavior, reduce or prevent inappropriate behaviors, and correct misbehavior. 258 pgs.
"A majority of teachers believe SEL will be a major benefit in preparing students for the workforce (87 percent). Nearly eight in ten teachers believe a larger focus on SEL will have a major benefit on students' ability to stay on track to graduate (80 percent), prepare for college (78 percent), and become good citizens (87 percent)." - The Missing Piece: A Report for CASEL (Civic Enterprises, 2016)
Published by Boys Town Press
ISBN: 978-1-944882-02-0
Learn more about our Well-Managed Schools Training Workshop here!