Children in grades K-6 can read along and listen to the author’s entertaining rendition of RJ’s social skill story on the accompanying CD. One track features the text only while a second track includes cues on when to turn the page for youngsters just learning to read. RJ is a youngster who always says what he thinks no matter how it sounds or makes others feel. RJ doesn’t realize his words are wrong. He thinks he’s just speaking the truth and offering feedback. RJ learns how to use a social filter before he speaks and to give positive feedback, or none at all.
With help from his parents, he learns he doesn’t have to verbalize every thought that pops into his head. In fact, sometimes the less said the better! The skills RJ learns in this story are part of the Boys Town Education Model that has improved student behavior and classroom climates in hundreds of schools across the country. Includes an Audio CD; 32 pgs.
Extend the learning with the Activity Guide
Published by Boys Town Press
ISBN: 978-1-934490-68-6