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Downloadable Activities & Posters

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  • Downloadable Activities: But I Need Your Help Now! Downloadable Activities: But I Need Your Help Now!
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    Downloadable Activities: But I Need Your Help Now!

    Stepping Up Social Skills
    At some point, most people have become annoyed when someone interrupts them. For children, this might be because they are really young, too impulsive, or have just never been taught how to interrupt appropriately. Award-winning author and school...
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  • Downloadable Activities: Fix It with Focus Downloadable Activities: Fix It with Focus
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    Downloadable Activities: Fix It with Focus

    Executive FUNction
    Focusing is easier said than done for some children. Being able to focus is a life skill and can help set children up for success. School counselor Bryan Smith has developed five downloadable activities for educators to use in the classroom to help teach...
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  • Downloadable Activities: Diamond Rattle Loves to Tattle Downloadable Activities: Diamond Rattle Loves to Tattle
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    Downloadable Activities: Diamond Rattle Loves to Tattle

    Diamond, Opal, and Friends
    There are many reasons that children tattle. It’s developmentally appropriate in young children, and most will grow out of it as they mature. But for some, tattling becomes reinforcing, and they miss their chance to develop their own...
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  • Downloadable Activity: Oops! (GRIT & Bear It!) Downloadable Activity: Oops! (GRIT & Bear It!)
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    Downloadable Activity: Oops! (GRIT & Bear It!)

    There are several items that exist today because they were discovered by mistake or by accident. As a class or in small groups, think of several ways of how an item that was invented by mistake has proven to be beneficial in our daily lives. This...
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  • Downloadable Activities: Freddie the Fly: Truth or Care Downloadable Activities: Freddie the Fly: Truth or Care
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    Downloadable Activities: Freddie the Fly - Truth or Care

    Freddie the Fly
    It's not unusual for children to speak before they think about what they're going to say. Over time, they develop the ability to distinguish what they should say and what should be left unsaid. The first step in teaching children this skill is showing...
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  • Downloadable Activities: Everyone's Contributions Count Downloadable Activities: Everyone's Contributions Count
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    Downloadable Activities: Everyone's Contributions Count

    Without Limits
    Teaching children to value the contributions of others helps to develop positive friendships and be good members of a group or team. These activities will teach students to appreciate others and reinforce the lessons from Everyone's Contributions Count,...
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  • Downloadable Activities: I'll NEVER Get All of That Done! Downloadable Activities: I'll NEVER Get All of That Done!
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    Downloadable Activities: I'll Never Get All of That Done!

    Executive FUNction
    Planning is the ability to create a roadmap to reach a goal or achieve a task, while prioritizing involves the ability to make decisions about what is important for you to focus on next. It can be challenging for children to know where to get started on...
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  • Downloadable Activities: Pause Power Downloadable Activities: Pause Power
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    Downloadable Activities: Pause Power

    Gabe's Stories
    It's hard for students in grades K through 6 to recognize when they are getting angry and to manage their emotions so they can control how they react. It's a skill that takes time, practice, and self-awareness. Students will identify ways and plan...
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  • Downloadable Poster: What Were You Thinking? Downloadable Poster: What Were You Thinking?
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    Downloadable Poster: What Were You Thinking?

    Executive FUNction
    As a child, it's not easy controlling your impulse reactions. Kids do things before they think all of the time. Remind students of the steps to controlling their impulses from Bryan Smith's What Were You Thinking? storybook, by displaying this...
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  • Downloadable Activities: Stress Stinks Downloadable Activities: Stress Stinks
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    Downloadable Activities: Stress Stinks

    Without Limits
    Too much stress STINKS! Students in grades K through 6 will identify the negative side effects of experiencing too much stress and develop healthy strategies for dealing with stressful situations. Reinforce the lesson from the storybook, Stress...
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