Boone is a gosling, loving life on the water with his family. He feels safe and comfortable in his small corner of the pond, so why would he ever leave?
When Boone's mamma and siblings swim off to the opposite shore, he won't follow. He has his reasons, like the water seems too cold and deep, and the other shore looks too muddy. But when he sees his family having fun, he wonders what he's missing. Are they eating doughnuts down there? Are they warming their feathers by a campfire?
Soon enough, Boone's curiosity grows bigger than his fears. Slowly he paddles away from his safe space, taking readers on a journey that reveals why leaving your comfort zone can lead to an exciting and unexpected place. 31 pgs.
Extend the learning with Five Downloadable Activities!
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Published by Boys Town Press
ISBN: 978-1-944882-18-1