Sixteen colorful, display-ready posters for any teacher seeking to improve student behavior and discipline by implementing a social skills curriculum in the classroom. Each social skill is broken down into its essential component behaviors for easy classroom use with students. These basic to intermediate social skills are an element of the Boys Town Education Model®. The Model emphasizes building relationships with students, teaching social skills, and reinforcement of positive behavior. The set of 16 posters are provided as a PDF.
Skills included in this set:
- Following Instructions
- Accepting Criticism or a Consequence
- Accepting No for an Answer
- Greeting Others
- Getting the Teacher's Attention
- Disagreeing Appropriately
- Making an Apology
- Accepting Compliments
- Having a Conversation
- Asking for Help
- Asking Permission
- Staying on Task
- Sharing with Others
- Working with Others
- Listening to Others
- Using an Appropriate Voice Tone
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Produced by Boys Town Press