Sixteen Downloadable Spanish Language Posters include these 16 skills and their steps:
- para recibir un elogio (accepting a compliment)
- para ofrecer ayuda (offering to help)
- para presentarte (introducing yourself)
- para informarle algo al maestro (reporting to the teacher)
- para decir "no" (saying "no")
- para pedir disculpas (making an apology)
- para dar un elogio (giving a compliment)
- al hablar con otros (talking with others)
- para que la maestra te preste atencion (getting the teacher's attention)
- para pedir algo (asking for what you want)
- para hacer una critica (giving criticism)
- para mostrar desacuerdo (disagreeing)
- para sequir instrucciones (following instructions)
- para aceptar una critica (accepting criticism)
- al saludar (greeting others)
- para aceptar un "no" (accepting "no"
Skills are easily adaptable to reflect an individual’s specific abilities and cultural norms.
Produced by Boys Town Press
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