This activity will allow students to clarify their values and beliefs by starting out the lesson listing the top 7 to 10 most important things in their lives. Once they think of what they are thankful for, they can build on that to identify their values. Throughout the mind-mapping activity, students will practice zest by showing enthusiasm and will learn to process the concept of gratitude.
This exercise is from Tamara Zentic's 13 & Counting: Does a Hamburger Really Have to Be Round? and is recommended for grades 7-12.
Materials needed:
- Paper
- Pencils
- White poster board or butcher paper
- Markers, paints, colored pencils, crayons
- "Mind Map" example (provided as a PDF)
- Boys Town Social Skill poster, "Clarifying Values and Beliefs" (provided as a PDF)
An email address must be provided to obtain the activity!
Produced by Boys Town Press