Students will display zest by showing enthusiasm and optimism while finding various “wonders” in nature. They will practice keeping property in its place and utilize strategies to self-correct their behavior if needed. The activity accompanies the book ZEST: Live It! written by Tamara Zentic. Extend the learning with ZEST: Live It! Activity Guide with more to choose from!
This exercise is recommended for grades 4–12.
Materials needed:
- Permanent markers or paints (or other drawing tool)
- “I Spy a Wonder!” worksheet (provided as a PDF)
- Pencil
- Boys Town Social Skill poster, “Keeping Property in Its Place” (provided as a PDF in color)
- Boys Town Social Skill poster, “Self-Correcting Own Behavior” (provided as a PDF in color)
- Rocks (each student finds one outside)
An email address must be provided to obtain the activity!
Produced by Boys Town Press